Hi! Iām Emily
I'm a self-confessed creative addict and pastel pencil hoarder. I've worked as a professional pastel pencil artist for over 6 years and taught hundreds of people in that time.
It's safe to say that I've learnt what I know through practice, research and many courses. It's taken time to amass the knowledge I needed but now that I've found it, I love to share these skills with everyone I teach.
How I got here
Learning to draw takes time, there's no denying it. We all tend to struggle with the same things - and get frustrated by them - but when you find the answers you need, it's a light bulb moment. Here's how I navigated the world of art.
Start where I did
Art began to make sense to me when I discovered the crucial building blocks for it. Once I discovered these, my drawings improved dramatically in weeks. That's why I created the Fundamentals Course.
I'll show you how to start
In my experience, starting can be the hardest part. This is where the fundamental building blocks come in.
What are you seeing?
Spending more time looking was a vital lesson for me and helped me choose the right techniques for my subject.
Taking the first step
Putting the fundamentals into practice will help you break down an image and recreate it as art so you can draw anything.
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